Originally published on the Property Industry Foundation.
Cam McLellan, CEO OpenCorp had a tough start in life, leaving home at just 16. Now, he wants to give back to supporting homeless youth through a Platinum Sponsorship with the Property Industry Foundation. We talked to Cam about how his own experiences have shaped his attitudes towards young people experiencing homelessness and hardship.
Why is it important to OpenCorp to support homeless youth?
It’s a story that hits close to home for me—literally. I grew up in a pretty rough environment. We were really poor—so poor that my parents would argue over whether we could afford bread or milk because we couldn’t afford both. That’s just how things were. Growing up in that kind of dynamic, I decided to leave home at about 16. It was a tough call, but honestly, it was a pretty tough environment to stay in also.
Leaving home at such a young age, I understand why people sometimes need to get away from their current environment or home life. When I see homeless youth on the streets today, it takes me back to those uncertain times in my own life. I remember wondering what I was ever going to do with my life, and I see those same worries in the eyes of these teens. It’s heartbreaking to realise that not enough is being done to help them.
When I first learned about the Property Industry Foundation and what they do, it just clicked for me. I thought, “this is really great,” and that’s why OpenCorp supports the Foundation. It’s not just about throwing money at a problem; it’s about understanding and remembering what it feels like to be in those shoes and wanting to make a real difference.
Supporting the Foundation is deeply personal for me. It’s about giving these young people a chance—a chance that I was lucky enough to find which has allowed me to set myself up with a fulfilling life. At OpenCorp, our sponsorship is a way of paying it forward, ensuring these youth get the stability and resources they need to build a better future.

What have been some of your favourite Foundation moments over the last couple of years?
In our first year, we really went all in with our team, raising over $30,000 for the Foundation. That was a massive achievement for us, and it felt fantastic to see our collective effort making such a difference. The following year, we took things a step further by inviting the Foundation to one of our client nights. During that event, we made another significant donation. But what stood out to me the most wasn’t just the amount of money raised, it was seeing our clients, who are all property investors, gain a deeper understanding of the incredible work that the Property Industry Foundation does.
One of the more fun and exhilarating experiences was the Steps for Homeless Youth fun run around Albert Park Lake in May, an event which raised $250,000 for homeless youth. I was proud to be part of it. It was also great to be surrounded by property developers, builders, and other industry professionals. There are a lot of good guys in the property industry who are genuinely committed to making a positive difference.
These moments have been some of my favourites because they highlight the heart and soul behind our work. It’s not just about profits and portfolios; it’s about community, compassion, and coming together to address real issues.

What Foundation events are you looking forward to?
I look forward to the galas and regattas, where we can come together and support a great cause. However, what really gets me pumped are the more energetic events, like the upcoming Tour de PIF events in Sydney and Melbourne. There’s something incredibly rewarding about getting out there, being active, and raising money for a cause that means so much to us.
One event that I’m especially looking forward to is when some of our team members head down to St Kilda in a few months to participate in a working bee for the Salvation Army. This isn’t just about getting out of the office; it’s about getting involved and interacting with the young people we’re supporting. It’s pretty cool to see the Foundation’s impact firsthand, from building homes to providing essential support services. I’m really excited for my team to experience this side of the charity and be actively involved in making a difference.
It’s going to be a great few months ahead, and I can’t wait to be a part of it all.
“In supporting the Foundation, we’re not just contributing funds; we’re sharing hope, understanding, and action. We stand with every young person dreaming of a brighter future because real change starts with a genuine desire to make a difference.”
Cam McLellan, CEO OpenCorp
What’s important to OpenCorp about supporting the Foundation, especially during the current housing crisis?
Being a platinum sponsor of the Property Industry Foundation, OpenCorp is wholeheartedly committed to supporting their goal to unite the property and construction industry to pool resources, build homes, and partner with charities to provide essential support services for homeless youth.
The current lack of adequate housing stock directly impacts homeless youth, who are often escaping difficult situations and finding themselves with nowhere to go. The homes that the Foundation creates are crucial in bridging this gap. They provide a safe, secure place for these young people to find their footing and get on a path where they can flourish. This is why our involvement with the Foundation is so meaningful to me personally and to OpenCorp as a whole.