
September 11, 2023.

Will the governments new housing supply target turn the market upside down?

Will the governments new housing supply target turn the market upside down?

Article originally posted on YourInvestmentPropertyMag.com.au (YIP). The federal government’s target of 1.2 million dwellings in the next 5 years requires an increased…
The "mass exodus of property investors"

The "mass exodus of property investors"

Originally posted on YourInvestmentPropertyMag.com.au (YIP). “I just wanted to let you know that I’ve decided to sell all of my properties.” Not…
Your Neighbour, Your Barista, Your Mate: The Unexpected World of Property Investors

Your Neighbour, Your Barista, Your Mate: The Unexpected World of Property Investors

I’m often surprised by the variety of journeys that the people I meet take to achieve their goals. From the barista who…

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