


By Cam McLellan

I’ve got a favour to ask you, but first let me explain why…

I’ve created a new thing – Glamping. Last week during school holidays Felicity and I took the kids Glamping, which is similar to camping but instead of heading to the bush, you head to the city and instead of staying in tents you stay at Crown Metropole.

So we stayed in the city and did all of the tourist things – Melbourne Star (overrated), Sky Deck (underrated). We checked out the street performers (had an argument with Hannah because I was trying to hand her $20 to give one guy after his performance.

She kept telling me that he asked the crowd to give him yellow notes – being a $50). The kids loved the old school horse and carraige ride from Swanston street and we also hit the Aquarium.

But we also had a massive break through. We went out for dinner at a reasonable restaurant with the kids and they behaved. We headed out for an early dinner at Bistro Guillaume, a French restaurant and amazingly the restaurant survived with no breakages or loud commotions. I think this is a new era for us. The old St Catherine’s in Kew which is now Hellenic Republic was good for kids but I want to know what other ones are out there.

While discussing this new found revelation with Felicity, being that we can occasionally now dine out at slightly better places than Zagames in Boronia with the kids. We made a competition with each other. Felicity and I each have to come up with as many places that we can eat that will handle our three still slightly out of control kids.

I need your help – Felicity thinks that she’s got this bet covered because she has all the kinder and school mums to get ideas from. What she has forgotten is that I’ve got you guys. 30,000 plus readers each week that I give good property info to.

I’m now asking you for a favour. Give me as many restaurants / good pubs that you can think of that we can take the kids too. I’m also needing Perth, Sydney and Brisbane options as we travel a bit.

Help me out people!

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