

What is a median price – Property Wealth WOD |Ep. 3|

Understanding ‘median house pricing’ is a must if you’re to successfully build wealth through property. In today’s episode we make sure you…

How much is enough – Property WOD |Ep. 2|

Determine not only how much money is going to be enough, but also how to get it.

NEW video series on how to invest in property

By Cam McLellan. Property investors, Al and I have a special treat for you. We just launched a new short video series…

Australian Housing Market Update – February 2014

By Cam McLellan Data, data, data. Take the small amount of time to absorb some data. Immerse yourself in numbers. Some of…

How do you select an investment property within a suburb?

By Cam McLellan I often talk about the process I use to pick properties to add to my personal portfolio called MAP.…

How do you pick a good investment suburb?

By Cam McLellan I often talk about the process I use to pick properties to add to my personal portfolio called MAP.…

April property update

A seasonal dip n the housing market for April was seen. Even so, the market drivers across our capital cities that we saw…

March property update

Tim Lawless provides a positive overview on a number of our property markets.

Our track record speaks for itself.

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